Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor

El Cementerio Central: Bogotá, la vida urbana y la muerte. Bogotá: Tercer Mundo, 1998

Urban History / Anthropology of Death / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor

(Libro Completo) Medellín (rojo) 1968. Protesta social, secularización y vida urbana en las jornadas de la II Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano. Medellín: Planeta, 2012

Latin American Studies / History of Religion / Urban History / Social History / Movimientos sociales / Medellín / Teologia de la liberacion / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor / Medellín / Teologia de la liberacion / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor

Urbanización y Revolución Técnica y política en Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires y Ciudad de México (1950-1980). Tesis de Doctorado en Historia, El Colegio de México

Latin American Studies / Urban History / History of Social Sciences / Social History / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor

“La dádiva santa desagradecida”: metamorfosis en la representación de la pobreza en la España del Siglo de Oro

Language and Ideology / Ideology / The Spanish picaresque novel (la novela picaresca) / Language Ideology / Ideology and Discourse Analysis / Don Quijote / Pobreza / Quijote / Novela picaresca / Ideologia / Picaresque Narrative / Picaresque genre / Precapitalist Societies / Picaresca / El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote De La Mancha / Poberty / Estudios Sobre Pobreza / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor / Precapitalist Economies / Don Quijote / Pobreza / Quijote / Novela picaresca / Ideologia / Picaresque Narrative / Picaresque genre / Precapitalist Societies / Picaresca / El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote De La Mancha / Poberty / Estudios Sobre Pobreza / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor / Precapitalist Economies

El debate sobre la dimensión escópica de la pobreza en el contexto aurisecular

The Spanish picaresque novel (la novela picaresca) / Early Modern/Siglo de Oro / Pobreza / Lazarillo Studies / Domingo de Soto / Guzmán de Alfarache / Novela picaresca / Literatura española del Siglo de Oro / Prosa española del Siglo de Oro / Lazarillo de Tormes / Mateo Alemán / Picaresque Narrative / Picaresque genre / Picaresca / Siglo de Oro / Luis Vives / Literatura Picaresca / Juan Luis Vives / Picaresque / Poberty / Estudios Sobre Pobreza / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor / Cristóbal Pérez de Herrera / Juan de Robles / Guzmán de Alfarache / Novela picaresca / Literatura española del Siglo de Oro / Prosa española del Siglo de Oro / Lazarillo de Tormes / Mateo Alemán / Picaresque Narrative / Picaresque genre / Picaresca / Siglo de Oro / Luis Vives / Literatura Picaresca / Juan Luis Vives / Picaresque / Poberty / Estudios Sobre Pobreza / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor / Cristóbal Pérez de Herrera / Juan de Robles

“…y algunos, y muchos…”: debate en torno a la representación de la mendicidad en la tratadística sobre la pobreza del siglo XVI

Social Representations / Representation of Others / Early Modern/Siglo de Oro / Lazarillo Studies / Spanish Golden Age / Representaciones Sociales / Lazarillo / Guzmán de Alfarache / Lazarillo de Tormes / Spanish Medieval and Golden Age Literature / Spanish Literature of the Golden Age / Spanish Golden Age Literature / Spanish Golden Age Theater / Golden Age Spanish Prose / Mateo Alemán / Spanish Golden Age Narrative / Siglo de Oro / Poberty / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor / Poor People and Politics / Representaciones Sociales / Lazarillo / Guzmán de Alfarache / Lazarillo de Tormes / Spanish Medieval and Golden Age Literature / Spanish Literature of the Golden Age / Spanish Golden Age Literature / Spanish Golden Age Theater / Golden Age Spanish Prose / Mateo Alemán / Spanish Golden Age Narrative / Siglo de Oro / Poberty / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor / Poor People and Politics

La pobreza como síntoma: fantasía ideológica en torno a la mendicidad en Sobre el socorro de pobres de Juan Luis Vives

Social Representations / Mental Representation / Language and Ideology / Ideology / Slavoj Žižek / Representations / Slavoj Zizek / Representation of Others / Representation Theory / Representation / Representaciones Sociales / Poor Context / Ideologías, sistemas de creencias y representaciones sociales / Teoría de las representaciones sociales / Luis Vives / Juan Luis Vives / Poberty / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor / Poor People and Politics / Representations / Slavoj Zizek / Representation of Others / Representation Theory / Representation / Representaciones Sociales / Poor Context / Ideologías, sistemas de creencias y representaciones sociales / Teoría de las representaciones sociales / Luis Vives / Juan Luis Vives / Poberty / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor / Poor People and Politics

Historia social del mundo clásico: terminología de la pobreza en Roma a partir de Juvenal

History / Ancient History / Social History / Imperial Rome / Historia De La Marginalidad Y Control Social / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor

Monstruos urbanos: figuras cardinales de la experiencia cotidiana santiaguina

Cultural Studies / Urban Marginality / IMAGINARIOS URBANOS / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor

Cultural Code: Video Games and Latin America (MIT Press, 2016)

Cultural History / Cultural Studies / Latin American Studies / Game studies / Media Studies / Media and Cultural Studies / Critical Race Studies / Digital Media / Race and Racism / Video Games and Learning / Video Games / Video Game Design / Video Game Development and Production / Video Game Audio and Music / Gameplay (Video Game Design) / Critical Race Theory / Race and Ethnicity / Interactive Digital Storytelling / Social Media / Ethnic and Racial Studies / Interactive and Digital Media / Video Game / Video Game Theory / Latin American Cultural Studies / Global South / The business of video games / Ludology / Video game addiction / Videojuegos / Hugo Chávez / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor / 20th and 21st Century Latin American Literature and Culture / Media and Cultural Studies / Critical Race Studies / Digital Media / Race and Racism / Video Games and Learning / Video Games / Video Game Design / Video Game Development and Production / Video Game Audio and Music / Gameplay (Video Game Design) / Critical Race Theory / Race and Ethnicity / Interactive Digital Storytelling / Social Media / Ethnic and Racial Studies / Interactive and Digital Media / Video Game / Video Game Theory / Latin American Cultural Studies / Global South / The business of video games / Ludology / Video game addiction / Videojuegos / Hugo Chávez / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor / 20th and 21st Century Latin American Literature and Culture

México 86: el fútbol en medio de las crisis

Football (soccer) / Disaster Management / Futbol / Participación ciudadana / Deportes / FIFA World Cup / Urban conflict / Transformaciones urbanas / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor / Gestion De Riesgos Y Desastres / FIFA World Cup / Urban conflict / Transformaciones urbanas / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor / Gestion De Riesgos Y Desastres

Socio-Economic Development of Primitive Tribes: An Empirical Study in Adilabad District

Development Economics / Forestry / Community Ecology / Rural Development / Tribal studies / Poverty and Inequality / Illiteracy / Primitive Hut / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor / Poverty and Inequality / Illiteracy / Primitive Hut / Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor
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